Assessment of knowledge and anxiety levels due to COVID-19 pandemic among health care professionals and general population in Indore City: A cross sectional study
Data publikacji: 13-01-2021
Przegl Epidemiol 2020;74(3):441-448

BACKGROUND. COVID 19 pandemic has led to economic downturn worldwide, and it has negatively affected mental health of the health workers as well as the general population. The pandemic has created psychological impact in the minds of people that even after recovery from critical illness assessment of anxiety symptoms is necessary.
OBJECTIVE. This study was undertaken to assess the knowledge and anxiety levels among health care workers and non-medico/ general population of Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
METHODS. A descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted among 247 participants comprising of medical and dental professionals , paramedical staff and non medico/ general population of Indore city, India.
The questionnaire was divided into three sections, the first section comprised questions pertaining to socio demographic characteristics, second section comprised ten questions pertaining to awareness and attitude towards preventive measures whereas the third section assessed anxiety levels by use of 21 item Depression, Anxiety , Stress Scale ( DASS-21).
RESULTS. Participants of medical profession (50.2%) outnumbered other participants; significant difference (p=0.001) was reported among dental professionals on answering minimum physical distance to be maintained.
Anxiety scores were found to be low (92.7%) and statistically significant association was seen between age of participants and anxiety levels (p=0.021).
CONCLUSION. Participants in the present study reported good knowledge regarding COVID-19 pandemic.
Anxiety scores among the participants were found to be low.

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