Tuberculosis in Poland in 2022
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Zakład Epidemiologii i Organizacji Walki z Gruźlicą, Instytut Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc, Warszawa
Dyrektor Naczelny Instytutu, Instytut Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc, Warszawa
Submission date: 2024-10-01
Final revision date: 2024-12-03
Acceptance date: 2024-12-06
Online publication date: 2024-12-19
Publication date: 2025-03-18
Corresponding author
Maria Joanna Korzeniewska- Koseła   

Zakład Epidemiologii i Organizacji Walki z Gruźlicą, Instytut Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc, ul. Płocka 26, 01-138 Warszawa
Przegl Epidemiol 2024;78(4):496-511
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) tuberculosis remains a worldwide health problem. Objective: To evaluate the TB epidemiology in 2022 in Poland and compare it with European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries. Material and methods: Analysis of cases registered in 2022, drug susceptibility results, Central Statistical Office data on deaths due to tuberculosis, NIZP PZH – PIB data on tuberculosis as an AIDS-indicative disease, and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control report. Results: In 2022, 4314 cases of TB were registered in Poland (11.4 per 100 000), including 4148 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. Pulmonary TB was confirmed bacteriologically in 81.9% (9.0 per 100 000). 98 patients had multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The highest incidence was in older age groups. The incidence in men was three times higher than in women. Foreigners (295) accounted for 6.8 per cent of all patients. Number of cases with HIV co-infection is unknown, just like the treatment outcomes. 472 persons died from TB (mortality 1.2 per 100 000). Conclusions: In 2022, TB incidence in Poland was higher than in 2021 (by 17.5%). The percentage of TB cases with bacteriological confirmation was 80.9%, in EU/EEA countries 70.6%. The percentage of MDR-TB among cases with known drug susceptibility was lower than in EU/EEA countries (3.1% vs. 4.4%). In Poland the highest incidence was in older age groups, in EU/EEA countries in persons aged 25 to 44. Children represented 1% in total, in the EU/EEA countries 3.5%. In Poland, the incidence of tuberculosis in males was three times higher than in females, in EU/EEA countries twice. Foreigners made up 6.8% of all, in the EU/EEA countries 33.3%. In the EU/EEA countries the percentage of tuberculosis patients infected with HIV was 4.1% of cases with known HIV status, data not known for Poland. Treatment outcomes not reported in Poland. TB mortality in Poland has not decreased.
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